LIL Rules
For tournament play Mabel follows the rules set out by Softball Canada and augments them with our own Mabel Playing Rules that have been vetted and approved by the league members.
Reminders and key rules from those documents are outlined here for easy reference for the LIL tournament.

LIL Playing Rules
Regular Mabel rules apply except for the following:
- Round robin games may end in tied scores and points will be awarded accordingly. There is no tiebreaker rule in effect.
- Final and semi-final games may not end in tied scores. Softball Canada rules will be in effect. All tie-breaking innings will be open, and the last player scheduled to bat will start at 2nd base.
- No new innings will be started after 1 hour and 15 minutes into Game Time.
- Home Team will be determined by a coin toss at the pre-game conference.
- Each team must supply one official ball to the Umpire: either new or in good condition.
Round Robin Standings
(Operating Rules 8.2)
Standings in each division’s round robin will be determined as follows:
- By counting wins (2 pt), ties (2 pt), losses (0 pt) for each team.
- If two teams in a division are tied after (a), placement will be determined by comparing head-to-head competition for the two teams.
- If any teams in a division are tied after (b), placement will be determined by comparing the teams’ run differentials to a maximum of 10 runs per game.
- If any teams in a division are tied after (c), placement will be determined by comparing runs against, to a maximum of a 10 run differential per game.
- If any teams in a division are tied after (d), placement will be determined by a coin toss.
Player Eligibility
(Operating Rules 9.1)
In order to play in a final game in the LIL Tournament, a player must have played at least one game with that team during the tournament, unless that player has three (3) Regular Season games with that team.
Tournament Rainout Procedure
(Operating Rules 8.4)
Rainouts will be determined through coordination with the league’s UIC and the Umpire Association’s head umpire for the tournament.
When some diamonds are playable and some are not, priorities of games will be considered with these factors in mind:
- (i) where possible, ensuring teams play an equal amount of games; then
- (ii) consider standings and prioritize games that impact who will play in the finals.
Clubhouse Licensed Area
(Operating Rules 5.1)
In accordance with BC’s Liquor Control and Licensing Act, section 40(1), alcohol is not permitted to be consumed by players, coaches, managers or scorekeepers on or near fields where the Mabel League holds playing permits.
Liquor Control and Licensing Act, s.40(1):
“Except for liquor purchased and consumed in accordance with a licence that permits consumption in a public place, a person must not consume liquor in a public place.”
A breach of the Zero-Tolerance Alcohol Policy will be dealt with in accordance with Part 2, Section 2 (4) of the Mabel League Constitution and By-Laws.
- The mercy rule is in effect. The Umpire will immediately end a game, regardless of time remaining in the game, if a team has a lead of 10 runs over the opposing team and if the opposing team has had at least 5 complete opportunities at bat.
- The Umpire will immediately end a game if:
- the home team is ahead in the bottom of the 7th inning
- time has run out and the home team is ahead in the bottom of the inning
Related Links
- Mabel Playing Rules
- Mabel League Rules
- The LIL Tournament