Team Registration


Registration for 2025 is open!

There are a few steps to team registration each year. The Registrar is the point of contact for this process; email them at:

Steps for Team Roster Registration

  1. Each person on your roster must sign up for SPN (Slo-Pitch National), and sign that year’s waiver. This is for insurance purposes.
    A person cannot play in a Mabel League game if they are not on an active roster and haven’t signed the waiver!
  2. $350 deposit is due March 10, 2025
  3. Each person on your roster must sign the team registration form prior to taking the field. The form confirms registration and intent to abide by league policies, which include but are not limited to:
    1. Diversity and Inclusion Policy
    2. League Code of Conduct
    3. Zero Tolerance for Bullying and Harassment Policy
    4. Zero Tolerance for Violating Vancouver Parks Alcohol Policy
    5. League Rules
    6. League Constitution
  4. New players to the league must watch the Anti-Oppression seminar (contact the Registrar for the password) before the start of the season; please fill out the form on the video page and/or indicate on the team registration form that you have watched it.
  5. Remaining team fees are due May 5, 2025

The signed form must be submitted to the Registrar by the date of your first game.


The form for this process is a PDF that you need to download and print or have everyone sign electronically. Link to the PDF is found in the “Related Links” section on this page.

Related Links

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